Eaha te ou'araa ou'a au'a e i hea e hoo mai ai?

Audew jump starter is the latest innovation that’s changing the auto industry and making things easier for all of us. Audew is a whole new way of getting your car started. The device automatically recognizes cars and their type so that it can start up with just one push. You will not need to use a wrench or even know how to jump start your car!

What is an Audew jump starter?

E nehenehe teie matini papu e turai i to outou pereoo ia tere i te hoê taime, e e mea ohie roa ia hoo mai i ni'a i te itenati e aore râ, i roto i te fare toa. E mea na'ina'i roa te ou'a Audew jumpstarter, te mau tauihaa e nehenehe e faaohipahia no te haamata i te mau pereoo uira. E piti puu i ni'a i te 10.000, ua nava'i te puai no te haamata i te rahiraa o te mau pereoo uira.

E mea na'ina'i atoa te ou'a no te ta'ita'i na muri ia oe i roto i te mau tere, no reira e farii noa outou i te reira i te taime e hinaaro ai outou i te reira. E nehenehe e hoo mai i te hoho'a teata Audew i ni'a i te itenati e aore râ i roto i te fare toa. Te pûpû nei te mau fare toa mai ia Amazone i te mau hoho'a e te mau peni huru rau, e te hoo atoa nei te mau fare toa ofa'i araea mai ia Walmart i te jumpstarter.

Audew jump starter

O Audew te hoê taiete aravihi i te pae no te ou'araa. They have a variety of models to choose from, including the Audew AA50 Jump Starter. The AA50 is a small, portable jump starter that can be used to start cars and trucks. It comes with two 12-volt batteries and a USB port for charging your devices. You can buy it online or at some stores that sell automotive accessories.

Audew 1500a portable jump starter introduction

Audew 1500a portable jump starter is one of the most popular products on the market. It is a must have for anyone who owns a car or truck. The Audew 1500a portable jump starter is very easy to use. It comes with a built in charger and a 12 volt output. It also has a carrying case. The Audew jump starter is a great product for anyone who needs a jump start for their car or truck.

Audew 2000a portable jump starter introduction

The Audew 2000a portable jump starter is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and affordable jump starter. It has a peak current of 2000 Te mau nota, making it powerful enough to jump start most vehicles. The Audew jump starter also has a built-in air compressor, so you can inflate your tires if they get low.

One of the best features of the Audew 2000a portable jump starter is its safety features. It has a reverse polarity protection system that prevents sparks and fires, and it also has an overheat protection system that shuts off the jump starter if it gets too hot.

What are the pros and cons of an Audew jump starter?

Te mau nota:

  • The Audew jump starter is very powerful and can quickly recharge a variety of batteries, including those used in cars.
  • It’s easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.
  • The Audew jump starter is affordable, te faariroraa i te reira ei rave'a maitai roa no te feia i roto i te hoê tapura haamau'araa.
  • E vai maoro atoa, ia nehenehe te reira ia ti'a i ni'a no te faaohipa tamau.


  • Te mana'o nei vetahi feia hoo e e titauhia te hoê taime roa no te faaapî i te ou'araa o te Audew.
  • Ua tapao te tahi atu e e ere i te mea papu i te mau taime atoa no te haamata i te mau matini.

E ma'itiraa rahi te mau taata e hinaaro i te hoê rave'a vitiviti e te ohie no te haamata i to ratou pereoo. I ni'a i te tapo'i, Mea nainai e mea mama te mau Audews, na te reira e faaohie i te amoraa i te hopoi'a. E taime roa atoa to ratou e e nehenehe ratou e haamata e rave rahi mau huru matini taa ê. I ni'a i te tapo'i, E ere o Audew te taata ou'a puai roa ' ' e i nia i te matete. Te tahi atu â mau mea, hoê ana'e to ratou tapaeraa, no reira, e tia paha ia outou ia hoo mai i te tahi atu matini faaauraa mai te peu e e tia ia outou ia hoo mai hau atu i te hoê matini i te hoê â taime.

How does an Audew jump starter work

When the jump starter is connected to the car’s battery, the jump starter will provide power to the car’s starter motor, which will turn over the engine and start the car. The jump starter has a built-in battery that provides power to the car’s starter motor. The jump starter also has a set of jumper cables that are used to connect the jump starter to the car’s battery.

How long does an Audew jump starter last?

Assuming you are talking about the average Audew jump starter, it will last around 3-4 te mau matahiti. Tera râ,, if you take good care of it and do not use it too often, it can last much longer.

How to use the Audew jump starter?

If you’re stranded on the side of the road with a dead battery, you might be wondering how to use an Audew jump starter. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. A tahi, make sure that your vehicle is properly disabled. Te auraa ra, e tupohe i te hape e e iriti i te taviri i rapae i te fifi.
  2. I muri iho, a faatuati i te mau niuniu ou'a i nia i te ofai pupuhi o to outou pereoo e te ou'a ou'a Audew.
  3. A ara e te uteute (+) Ua taaihia te hoho'a mata i te vahi maitai i nia i te ofai pupuhi o to outou pereoo e te ereere (-) Ua tu'ati te hoho'a faufau i te mau mea ino i ni'a i te matini roro uira o to outou pereoo.
  4. A faatuati i te tahi atu pae o te mau niuniu e ou'a ra i nia i te mau vahi maitatai e te tano ore i nia i te ou'araa ou'a Audew.
  5. I te pae hopea, A taumi i te pitopito haamataraa i nia i te ou'araa ou'a Audew no te haamata i te patia i te ofai pupuhi o to outou pereoo.
  6. E horo'a mai te Audew Jump Starter i te mana no te haere atu i te 50 te mau hora a tere noa ' i te pereoo.

'O Audew te hō'ē 'oire iti nō Audew, Te mau rave'a e nehenehe e faaohipahia no te haamata i to outou pereoo uira. Te vai nei te reira i roto i te mau fare toa e rave rahi e e nehenehe e hoo mai i te reira no te mau $30. No te faaohipa i te ou'araa ou'a Audew, A hi'opo'a na mua e ua î roa to outou pereoo i te taata. I muri iho, a faatuati i te mau niuniu ou'a i nia i te taura o to outou pereoo e i nia i te taura uira o te ou'a Audew. A taumi i te pitopito uira i nia i te ou'a Audew no te haamata i te reira. E mea ti'a i te taata faahoro pereoo ia haamata i to outou pereoo i roto noa i te tahi tau minuti.

How to charge the Audew jump starter?

E mea faufaa ia ite e nahea ia faatere maitai i te ou'araa o te Audew, na te reira e haapapû e, e tere maitai te reira. Te vai ra te tahi mau mea te tia ia haamana'o ia ou'a ana'e tatou i nia i te ou'araa ou'a Audew.

A tahi, A ara e ia tupohehia te ou'araa na mua ' ' e outou e haamata ' i i te tihepu i te reira. I muri iho, a faaohipa i te matini nene'iraa no te faatu'ati i te taata ou'a i ni'a i te hoê matini uira. Ia tuati - ana'e - hia te taata ou'a i nia i te matini uira, e haamata oioi noa te faanahoraa no te faaho'iraa.

E titauhia te tahi tau hora no te faaoti i te faanahoraa no te tarahuraa, no reira, e mea faufaa ia faaoroma'i e eiaha e tamata i te faaohipa i te ou'araa i roto i teie taime. Ia oti ana'e te titauraa, ua ineine te taata ou'a teitei i te faaohipa.

What’s the price of an Audew jump starter?

Mai te peu e tei roto outou i te matete no te hoê taata ou'a ou'a, e nehenehe te Audew e riro ei rave'a maitai no te hi'opo'a. Te moni hoo o teie tao'a, tei te huru ïa o te vahi ta outou e hoo mai, tera râ, i te faito au noa, e mea moni roa te reira $40. E mea na'ina'i roa, tauihaa afa'ifa'i o te nehenehe e faaohipahia no te haamata i to outou pereoo i roto i te hoê taime rû.

E mea apî roa te Audew, Te fenua Tinito e te Jump Starter. Te moni hoo no te hoê ou'araa ou'a Audew, no roto mai ïa i te $60-$100. E nehenehe ta outou e hoo mai i te hoê ou'araa i ni'a i te itenati e aore râ, i roto i te tahi mau fare toa taa ê.

  • Amazone. $89.99
  • Te mau nota. $79.99
  • Autozone. $63.99

Is the Audew jump starter the best choice in 2022?

Mai te peu e te imi ra outou i te hoê ou'araa papu o te nehenehe e faaohipahia i roto i te mau huru tupuraa huru rau, e ma'itiraa maitai te ou'araa audew. Te vai ra teie matini ou'araa i roto e rave rahi mau fare toa, oia'toa te tahi o te mau fifi rahi roa a'e i te mau Hau Amui no Marite. Ua hamanihia te taata ou'a Audew i te mau materia maitai roa e te vai ra ta'na e rave rahi mau rave'a o te faariro i te reira ei ma'itiraa maitai roa no te faaohiparaa rû.

A tahi, e aravihi rahi to'na no te haamata i te rahiraa o te mau pereoo uira. Piti, e niuniu roa to'na o te faati'a ia outou ia faatere oioi i te reira. I ni'a i te mau mea, ua riro te ou'araa ou'a Audew ei ravea papu e te faufaa no te taata atoa e hinaaro ra i te hoê ou'araa i roto i te hoê hu'ahu'a. Te vai nei te reira i roto e rave rahi mau fare toa i te mau Hau Amui no Marite, ia nehenehe ia outou ia ite i te hoê mea e tano no outou.

Te vai ra teie matini ou'araa i roto i te rahiraa o te mau fare toa rarahi, tae noa ' tu ia Amazone e Walmart. Te vai ra i roto i te ou'araa ou'a Audew e rave rahi mau tuhaa o te faariro i te reira ei ravea papu. A tahi, e aravihi rahi to'na. Te auraa ra, e nehenehe oia e haamata e rave rahi pereoo i te hoê â taime.

Piti, e maramarama anaana to'na o te faaohie i te hi'oraa i roto i te mau mea ha'iha'i. I te pae hopea, e niuniu roa to te taata ou'a Audew ia nehenehe oe e tapae i te mau vahi atoa o te pereoo. Mai te peu e te imi ra outou i te hoê ou'araa papu, e nehenehe te hoho'a Audew e riro ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no outou.

I hea e hoo mai ai i te hoê ou'a Audew e te moni maitai roa a'e?

Te vahi maitai roa a'e no te hoo mai i te hoê ou'a Audew, tei ni'a ïa i te itenati, i reira e itehia ai ia outou te hoo maitai roa a'e. Aita ratou i matau-noa-hia no ta ratou mau tao'a maitai roa, tera râ, te horo'a atoa nei ratou i te tahi o te mau hoo maitai roa a'e i te. E nehenehe outou e ite i te hoê ou'araa ou'a Audew i roto i te rahiraa o te mau fare toa rarahi, tae noa ' tu ia Amazone e Walmart.

Eaha ïa mai te peu e eita te hoê taata ou'a audew e rave i te ohipa?

E tapao papu te Audew no te feia e ou'a ra i nia i te ou'a. Tera râ,, mai te mea e, te ite ra outou e, aita ta outou e rave'a no te ou'a i ni'a i te, eiaha e haaparuparu. E rave rahi te mau mea ta outou e nehenehe e rave no te tamata e no te faaafaro i te fifi.

Ti'aturi, e tauturu te hoê o teie mau rave'a ia outou ia ho'i faahou mai i ni'a e ia horo! A ara e ia î roa te ofai pupuhi i te patia ' tu i roto i te hoê arai e ia tiai e pae a'e minuti. I muri iho, a tamata i te faaapî i te matini ou'araa na roto i te pataraa i te pitopito e toru tetoni te maoro. I te pae hopea, mai te mea eita teie mau rave'a atoa e manuïa, e titauhia paha ia outou ia rave i ta outou ohipa faahoro popo no te tata'i.

Te vai ra te tahi mau mea ta outou e nehenehe e rave no te faaafaro i te fifi e no te faaho'i i ta outou ou'araa i ni'a e a horo. A tahi, a tamata i te hi'opo'a i te faito o te mau mea e tupu mai. Mai te mea e, e faahapa-hope-roa-hia te reira, i muri iho, te tumu parau, no nia ïa i te taata e ou'a ra i nia i te ou'a.

Mai te peu e mea iti roa te ofai pupuhi, i muri iho e riro ïa ei fifi no te uira e aore râ, no te niuniu afa'ifa'i. A tamata i te faatuati i te ou'a ou'a i nia i te tahi atu ravea no te hi'opoa e aita iho â te reira e tere ra e mea iti roa te ofai pupuhi. I te pae hopea, mai te mea eita te tahi atu mau mea e manuïa, e nehenehe ta outou e tamata i te mono i te reira.


Mai te peu e tei roto outou i te hoê tupuraa ru e e tia ia outou ia ou'a i nia i to outou pereoo, e hinaaro oe e haru i te hoê ou'a Audew. Teie na'ina'i, e nehenehe te hoê matini puai e faatere oioi i to outou pereoo, no reira, a ara i te haapue i nia i te hoê na mua ' ' e te vero rahi i muri iho e topa ' i. E nehenehe ta outou e hoo mai i te mau ou'a Audew i ni'a i te itenati e i roto i te fare toa, no reira a hi'o i te tabula i raro nei no te vahi maitai a'e no te hoo mai i te hoê fare fatata mai ia outou.